Explore Your Creative Spirit
Imagine yourself immersed in a place where you can live photography virtually free from the distractions of the outside world…
"My photography is a celebration of the visual world."
"It originates straight from the heart, honest and direct.
Inspired by colour, texture and light, I make photographs to express feelings surrounding my experiences, searching for visual equivalents to those feelings.” – Richard Martin

Vision & Discovery
Imagine yourself immersed in a place where you can live photography for a weekend or an entire week, virtually free from the distractions of the outside world. The Vision & Discovery workshop experience can provide that opportunity through a variety of programs designed to advance skills, provide inspiration, explore new ideas, and deal with the creative process of photography.

"Richard Martin’s intelligent and caring workshop philosophy is based on a great deal of experience, both as participant and instructor. The creativity of his vision, images, and teaching is inspiring."
Freeman Patterson

Richard Martin Live
Catch Richard Martin's live seminars and webinars where he speaks out about creativity and the art of seeing, and teaches participants how to break visual stereotypes to find their own visual voice. Or, sign up for a live coaching session to take your photography to the next level.