Explore Your Creative Spirit In Colombia: Bogotá, Medellín & Cartagena

A photographic experience with Richard Martin and Adam L. Weintraub

Dates TBA


"Richard Martin’s intelligent and caring workshop philosophy is based on a great deal of experience, both as participant and instructor. The creativity of his vision, images, and teaching is inspiring."

Freeman Patterson

Beyond the Tourist Veil

A la Ordén! “At your Service” defines this special country.

Isolated for decades through its back-and-forth paramilitary problems, Colombia is now exploding with charisma, foreign investment and hospitality, showing the world what we missed. Better late than never! Colombians themselves claim, “The only risk is that you’ll want to stay!”

Full of enthusiasm, passion and pride, Colombians relish in showing a curious foreigner the pleasures of their country, how the lush verdant mountains frolic towards the warm Caribbean coast. The fertile Andean plains thrive with old-world fincas and classic colonial villages, complete with cobblestone streets, charming plazas and – again – humble and passionate folks anxious to invite you to get to know their place a little better.

In this photographic tour of Colombia, we’ll work with welcoming locals in small, highland villages, outgoing Caribbean coastal locals as well as the unique UNESCO-protected site of Cartagena, truly a photographer’s paradise; we’ll top it off with an unforgettable experience in the lap of luxury on a small Caribbean island.

What You'll Do


Street Photography In Historic Cartagena

Take advantage of early morning street photography opportunities and capture local people and architecture inside the historic wall.


A Walking Tour Of Barrio Getsemeni

Embark on a casual walking tour of Barrio Getsemeni, pulsing with the beginnings of gentrification, embodying wonderful evening activity with locals, colorful murals and Caribbean sky.


Photograph Stunning Façades

The most important tourist hub in South America, Cartagena is a gem. Old world colonial façades mask modern boutique hotels and restaurants on the inside. Narrow streets with horse-drawn carriages prance past and the Caribbean evening light reflects ambers and lavenders overhead.


Visit The Island Of Santa Cruz

Punta Faro gives us something else that few others get to experience: direct and local access to one of the little-known places in Colombia, Islote Santa Cruz. This is the world’s most densely populated island, about 4000 sq. ft. of space, with hundreds of descendants from just a few original families. Evening light brings out the dominoes, the children and the fresh-cooked fish. Foreigners are seen as a positive influence and we are given almost complete and honest access to one of the more unique experiences in Colombia.


What Students Say

Alice-Yen -Yong

Alice Yen Yong

“My photography journey has benefitted tremendously from Richard's generosity in sharing his creative vision and skill, which combined with his love of humour and fun makes learning a cinch.”


Mary Macey Butler

“I’m drawn to his heartfelt enthusiasm in a talk or his quiet, gentle way of sharing his passion for the medium one on one or in a small group. He is truly a born teacher.”


"Richard Martin and Adam Weintraub have created a superb travel experience in this tour of Colombia. The combination of Richard’s selection of photographic experiences with Adam’s detailed knowledge of Colombia made this trip one that I would highly recommended!"

"This trip was not just a photographic tour but also a cultural and food tour. Richard provided the photographic inspiration; Richard and Adam arranged excellent and unique excursions that took us right into the center of Colombian culture. The bonus was Adam’s selection of superb restaurants and hotels so we could get a full picture of life in Colombia.

I did have friends caution me on travelling to Colombia because Columbia is thought not to be safe but I had heard wonderful reports from the 2019 group so I trusted their advice. With Adam’s local knowledge and fluency in Spanish, I was very comfortable and had fun in every location we visited and in most of them, we were the only non-locals there! The Colombian people were very welcoming!

Richard was always available for photographic advice and inspiration. His passion for photography is infectious! Just when I thought I was ready to put my camera down, I would see Richard looking at something that I missed and my interest in just looking would be peaked again! Adam’s wealth of knowledge not only included great places to eat but also to shop. Our days in Cartagena, started with an early morning photo walk with Richard, mid-day shopping with Adam and more photographic opportunities with Richard again in the early evening with fantastic food in between. I loved it all!"

Karen Blunt
Colombia 2020

Meet Your Teachers


Richard Martin

A long-time contributor to Photo Life magazine, Richard pursues photography as a medium of visual expression. He is a deeply committed instructor who guides participants on a voyage of personal rediscovery on his photography tours around the world. His passion and insight help the student in opening up the creative doors and to reflect on the special qualities that dwell within them.


Adam L. Weintraub

Hailing from Seattle, having spent two and a half years living in Italy and 20 years married to a Peruvian, is a natural tour producer and leader. He spends his time as a professional photographer and adventure tours producer, all while owning 3 pisco bars in Peru. He has three photography books published and one 15-year-old boy. He often is holding a glass of wine—or pisco. If he could be born-again, he’d be Colombian…seriously.


A good instructor should have the ability to move people – connecting them with their emotions. Reinforcing to participants the fact that fine images are made with their hearts and souls not their thousand-dollar lens.

Qualities That Make A Good Instructor

Some of the qualities which contribute to a good instructor include:

  • Instructors should be deeply committed to the process of making images, while possessing honesty and integrity in their own work.

  • They should encourage individual ways of seeing and expressing, and should NEVER impose their own views on students.

  • One who enjoys sharing their knowledge, without ego! – this aspect is very important.

One who is always accessible to participants, being available for assistance, and dividing time fairly between students.

  • One who can guide participants on a voyage of personal rediscovery, opening up doors and helping students reflect on the special qualities that dwell within them.

What You'll Learn

Advance Your Craft

Learn how to put your craft, vision, and imagination to the test by pushing the process of making photographs to the limits.

Expand Your Knowledge

Develop new skills and acquire new technical knowledge during a time of inspiration and personal growth.

Develop Your Visual Style

Indulge yourself in an environment where the focus is on you and your photography, where you can experiment to acquire a greater appreciation of your medium and a greater awareness of yourself and your creative direction.

Play & Experiment

Try new things with the opportunity to explore your craft in ways you may not attempt on your own. Allow yourself the freedom to make mistakes and grow from them.

Gain Inspiration

Be inspired in a place where you can engage your imagination, stimulate the senses and rekindle your passion for photography.

Exchange Ideas

Meet with others involved in the medium to share ideas. Time spent as a group can be a journey both visually and emotionally—a time for the soul to get away from the daily routines and refresh the creative energies.

Discover Your Vision

Learn the art of visual design and the philosophy of vision in a hands-on environment, because technique to a large extent can be learned from a book.


Sunday, October 22nd – Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

Day 1

Day 1:

Arrival, check-in to hotel for 3 nights, and welcome dinner.  Anyone arriving a day early is encouraged to visit the Gold Museum (Museo del Oro) and Botero Museum on their own.

Hotel BOG; Dinner

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12

Format: Day#: Date, Included meals (B=Breakfast, D=Dinner), Overnight City

Our tour itinerary has been designed specifically for serious photographers, to ensure that more concentrated time is spent in the most photogenic areas. In addition to individual attention in the field, time will be spent reviewing participants work while learning digital workflow and visual design. Instruction is kept flexible to accommodate a changing itinerary and varying skill levels of the participants, and to allow for spontaneous photographic opportunities.



Bogota (Altitude: Bogota 8,661 feet)

The capital city of Colombia, Bogota mixes peoples from all over the country and abroad. It is a thriving and cultured city, with long boulevards, trees and delicious dining if you know where to look. It’s nestled into the surrounding mountains with the church of Montserrat perched above, visible from every street. We’ll take the 100 year-old funicular up the hillside and gather perspective on the geography below. As we descend back into the throes of the capital, we’ll head over to the Candelaria neighborhood to see the formal and stately capital buildings intertwined with contemporary commercial structures. The narrow streets, distant mountains and city chaos make it a wonderful context in which to work.

Cartagena de las Indias

The most important tourist hub in South America, Cartagena is a gem. Old world colonial façades mask modern boutique hotels and restaurants on the inside. Narrow streets with horse-drawn carriages prance past and the Caribbean evening light reflects ambers and lavenders overhead. Shopping, eating and walking throughout the centre of this spectacular walled fort are certain distractions. We’ll not only get a private tour of the historical components but will wander through the evolving Getsemeni residential district as well. This tucked-away neighbourhood, ten minutes’ walk from the centre, gets us a little closer to every-day reality for the locals.

Islote Santa Cruz, Mucura and Punta Faro

Sometimes you gotta work hard to find that amazing moment, suffering under severe conditions. Not here! On Punta Faro, we’re treated to luxury resort service and comforts—an exclamation point to our journey after a week of image-making. But we’re not done—Punta Faro gives us something else that few others get to experience: direct and local access to one of the little-known places in Colombia, Islote Santa Cruz. This is the world’s most densely populated island, about 4000 sq. ft. of space, with hundreds of descendants from just a few original families. Local crab, fish, turtle, shark, and stone are abundant and are seen constantly. Evening light brings out the dominoes, the children, and the fresh-cooked fish. Foreigners are seen as a positive influence and we are given almost complete and honest access to one of the more unique experiences in Colombia.

Colombia Tour Pricing

Double Occupancy

Price TBA
  • Internal airfare and any accompanying taxes or fees included in the ticket purchase.
  • Arrival and Departure Airport transfers (one transfer vehicle per way for entire group).
  • All lodging is included at BOG Hotel (Bogota), Cannúa Ecolodge, Park 10 (Medellin), Hotel Las Carretas (Cartagena), Punta Faro (Isla Mucura), and a few others. All are 3+ stars and come with wonderful character, local staff with secure and comfortable surroundings.

  • All breakfasts, most lunches and the included dinners as noted in the itinerary (B, L and/or D when included).
  • Group tips (excluding personal tips—i.e. non-inclusive dinners, service at hotels).
  • All ground, boat, and air transfers within Colombia.
  • Private guide including all entrance fees, local taxes and fees.
  • Photographic Instruction and feedback.
  • The international arrival and departure flights (Please Note: Originating in Bogota and terminating in Cartagena).
  • Passport or visa fees (but don’t expect any).
  • Any covid-related obligations, such as tests to return to USA/Canada.
  • Travel insurance (see below).
  • Optional tours, individual excursions outside of group activities, etc.
  • Baggage, equipment, medical and cancellation insurance.
  • Beverages with meals, meals other than mentioned above, tips and gratuities.
  • Tips to drivers, guides and escorts, any tour or transportation services on days stated as free days.
  • Tips to porterage and maid service.
  • Personal expenses such as laundry, telephone, taxi, excess baggage etc.

Please Note: Registration is limited to 12 participants.

Registration Information

To reserve your space at a PhotoExperience tour in Colombia, a JPG image of your passport photo and info page is required, along with a deposit of $650 and your Registration Form. Once your deposit has been received, you will be admitted to the tour logistics information about Colombia and the photography portion.

There will be a second deposit of $1,000 which will be due 180 days prior to the start of our tour. This is non-refundable since it will be used to purchase passport-specific internal airfare in advance, to help keep our costs as low as possible.

We will send you a statement of your account, with the remaining balance due, 100 days prior to the start of the workshop, though the full balance can be made at time of registration. Your Hotel & Air Form along with your Risk Release Form will also be required at this time but would be appreciated prior once you have your flight information.

We will limit the number of registrants to 12.

To Register, please email Adam L. Weintraub of PhotoExperience.net (adam@adamw.com).


The fee for this trip is $6,450.00 USD. This includes all instruction & materials, internal airfare and ground transfers within Colombia, all entrance fees, lodging, all breakfasts, most lunches and some dinners (as expressed B, L or D in the Tour Description PDF).

There is an additional $1,500 charge for a single room.

Extra expenses might include individual excursions outside of group activities, some meals as noted on the Itinerary, all beverages—alcoholic or otherwise—as well as tips at our hotels and for our guides and drivers. You may expect this to total around $30 per day depending on personal preferences.


This tour starts in Bogota and ends in Cartagena, please ensure you purchase airfare for this itinerary. All lodging is included at BOG Hotel (Bogota), Cannúa Ecolodge, Park 10 (Medellin), Hotel Las Carretas (Cartagena), Punta Faro (Isla Mucura). All are 3+ stars and come with wonderful character, local staff with secure and comfortable surroundings.

Pre or Post-Trip

If you hope to spend an extra few nights, or if you're flights require you to arrive a day or two prior to, or after our, group experience, it is often easiest for us to add to your room reservation directly. We will send you a hotel form which will organize this for you, with your international flight arrival and departure information. Please contact Adam if you have any interest in additional time in Colombia, he is happy to share his outfitter’s information should you wish to schedule additional activities.

Refund/Cancellation Policy

Due to some of the unpredictable aspects of traveling post-covid, we have updated our policies for improved flexibility for our participants. If for any reason you need to withdraw, please notify us at least 90 days before the start of the tour for full refund of any fees that have been paid which weren't’ non-refundable ($350 of the first and all of the second payments). If cancellation is made 89-46 days before the start of the workshop, we will retain half (50%) of your full tuition; if cancellation occurs from 45 days of the departure date, there is no refund. For these reasons we highly recommend that you purchase Travel Insurance as explained below.

We have also added a postponement clause: If we postpone our tour, you may remain on our postponed tour; or you may opt for a refund of all non-refundable fees, so long as we postpone more than 45 days prior to the start of the tour. If a tour is postponed within 45 days of the date of departure, all fees will have been paid and we will apply those towards our future postponed trip; or you may apply those funds to another trip of your choosing, by the end of the subsequent calendar year.

PhotoExperience reserves the right to cancel an individual reservation if full payment has not been received by 85 days before the start of the workshop, and any and all deposits would then be forfeited. In the unlikely event that a tour must be cancelled due to inadequate enrolment, all fees and deposits are refunded in full. PhotoExperience and its assigns are not responsible for reimbursement of non-refundable airline tickets in the event of a cancellation. PhotoExperience is not responsible for cancellations due to medical emergencies. Again, this is why we highly recommend Travel Insurance. There are no exceptions to our Cancellation Policy.

Travel Insurance

We strongly recommend that you purchase travel insurance. With this insurance you can protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances that might prevent your attendance. We suggest a plan which offers coverage for medical and dental emergencies, lost baggage, missed connections, and trip cancellation should you unexpectedly need to cancel. PhotoExperience is not responsible for cancellations due to medical emergencies or reimbursement of airline tickets in the event of a workshop cancellation.

On all PhotoExperience trips, each registrant must show proof of Emergency Evacuation Insurance – this is a requirement for all participants. Emergency Evacuation is required, but general Travel Insurance is also recommended, the difference being that general trip insurance will cover a cancel-for-any-reason (epidemic, theft, delay, baggage, sickness, etc).

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and many of the ever-changing variables, we will not accept any traveler without proof of their vaccination. This will also be required upon entry to Colombia, and may be required upon return to your country of origin.

As soon as you’ve made your trip deposit and sent us your JPG of your passport (or purchased airfare), you need to request Travel Insurance. Don’t wait.


If you have any questions, please contact Adam L. Weintraub via email at adam@adamw.com, or call +1-206-817-4686.


Ready To Enrich Your Visual Life?

Whether you’re interested in developing your own visual style or expanding your knowledge or craft, attending a workshop or tour may turn out to be one of the best investments you make towards enriching your visual life.

Not Quite Sure Yet?

Why not visit our contact page, we would love to answer any questions you may have!